In general, a business protocol ( or view) is not executable. 一般地说,业务协议(或视图)是不可执行的。
The advantages of this approach are that LDAP is the general protocol to connect to an Active Directory, and the mapping of uid and gid is done centrally. 这种方法的优点是,LDAP是连接ActiveDirectory的通用协议,集中地映射uid和gid。
Shortly after praising "the simplicity and uniform interface that is GData" Dare Obasanjo states that "GData/ APP Fails as a General Purpose Editing Protocol for the Web". 在简短的把GData称赞为“简单和一致的接口”之后,DareObasanjo叙述到“GData/APP作为一个通用的Web编辑协议是不妥的”。
This formal approach is very suitable for the construction of general protocol testing system, and can be an effective way for automatic test suit verification. 这种形式化的测试执行方法非常适合于构造通用的协议测试系统,同时也是进行测试集自动执行的有效手段;
A Research on a General Protocol for CAN Bus in Electric Vehicles 电动汽车CAN总线通用协议的应用研究
Study on the realization of DVB-CI general interface protocol DVB-CI通用接口协议的实现研究
Some new ideas are submitted, which foucs on the key technology, such as general protocol analytical tools using XML, and message queue resolved by embedded database. 本文的WES-MOM系统的关键技术研究有部分创新的思路,包括通用协议的XML解释器和消息队列的嵌入式数据库等。
A brief introduction to the general route and protocol for dust control is given, which has been applied and verified in tens coal mines with success. 为此,提出了治理的总体思路、防治方案并在几十个煤矿综采放顶煤工作面推广,取得了很好的效果。
General Requirements of Protocol Stack in Ad Hoc Networks adhoc网络协议栈通用要求研究
So in this paper, the concepts of grade field and timing consumption are put forward and introduced into the general contract net protocol and a new model of grade field and timing consumption contract net model is made. 为此,本文提出了等级域和时间消耗的概念,并将其引入到传统合同网中,建立了一个基于等级域和时间消耗的合同网模型。
This paper analyses the standard, system architecture and protocol stack of GPON, emphatically analyses and studies the general frame protocol ( GFP) which is the kernel technology of GPON, mainly aims at the encapsulation technology and characteristic of up/ down frame structure in GPON. 本文分析了GPON的标准,系统结构和协议栈,重点分析和研究了GPON的核心技术通用成帧协议(GFP),主要针对GFP的封装技术和上下帧结构的特点。
Not only should an agent communication language work as a general communication protocol, but also needs to convey an agent's mental state. Agent摘要博士论文通信语言不仅要完成一般的通信协议的功能,而且要传递Agent的思维状态信息。
UPnP is an open protocol architecture for network control, which based on TCP/ IP, XML and some other general protocol that has been accepted widely. 网络即插即用(UPnP)技术是一个用于网络控制的开放性协议框架,它建立在已被普遍接受和广泛应用的TCP/IP协议、XML格式和其它通用协议的基础之上。
Depending on the general protocol model, this paper analyzed the possibility of blocking Instant Messaging ( IM) at TCP layer and IM protocol layer respectively. 本文根据即时通讯(IM)的协议模型,在TCP层和即时通讯协议层分析了阻断即时通讯的可能性,分别提出了基于TCP层和即时通讯协议层的协议分析的阻断策略。
In order to enhance the communication efficiency of embedded real-time systems, in allusion to the insufficiency of the general transport layer protocol, the RUDP communication module for embedded systems is designed and implemented, aiming at the implementation of reliable and efficiency communication between processes. 为提高嵌入式实时系统中处理器间通信效率,针对通常传输层协议的不足,设计并实现了嵌入式系统中RUDP通信模块,以实现嵌入式分布系统中各进程间可靠、高效的通信。
Then the author introduces the conceptions of general message protocol and general message platform according to the format of IP datagram in TCP/ IP stack. Based on that, the architecture of SCP is redesigned. 然后根据TCP/IP协议中IP数据包格式的设计思想,引入了通用消息协议和通用消息平台的概念,并在此基础上重新设计了SCP的体系结构。
This paper discusses the mechanism of general support of protocol, gives the method of protocol implement with configuration files, the detail of configuration files and part code of key algorithmic. 重点讨论了安全协议的通用支持机制,提出了利用协议配置文件实现通用支持的方法,给出了协议配置文件说明及关键算法的实现代码。
As a general transport protocol, controlling and managing data transfer and data acknowledgment is a critically important part of the implementation of SCTP. 作为通用传输协议,控制管理数据发送和数据证实也是SCTP实现中一个重要的部分。本文分析了数据传送规则和选择证实应考虑的相关问题。
Implementation of General Network Protocol Automatic Monitoring and Analysis System 通用网络协议自动监视分析系统的实现
As the most general network management protocol, SNMP provides a way to manage the remote objects. SNMP是被广泛使用的网络管理协议,它提供了一种管理远程对象的框架。
Design and Software Implementation of a General UPS Communication Protocol UPS通用通讯协议的设计及软件实现
Design of General HART Protocol Pressure Transmitter HART协议通用压力变送器的设计
Following this idea, this paper deeply analyzes the key technologies of the pluggable protocol framework which include the General Inter-ORB Protocol ( GIOP), Common Data Representation ( CDR), Interoperable Object Reference ( IOR). 遵循这一研究思路,本文针对可插拔协议框架中的关键技术,包括通用ORB间协议(GIOP)、公共数据表示(CDR)、可互操作的对象引用(IOR)等进行了深入分析。
For the compatibility of the monitoring devices working in the lower layer, a general serial communication protocol and the serial communication scheduling module were designed. 为了众多底层监控设备串行通信的兼容,作者制定了一个通用串行通信协议,并设计了串行通信调度模块。
We have abstracted a general protocol structure from the major IM products in the way of multimedia data transmission, and presented a universal strategy for the identification of IM multimedia data. 本文抽象出了各主流即时通讯产品在多媒体数据传输层次的共同协议结构,提出了一个通用的即时通讯流量识分析、提取、处理框架原型。
The serial is a very general equipment communication protocol. 串口是计算机上一种非常通用的设备通信协议。
Expectation of realizing general routing protocol which could deal with all those requirements of wireless sensor network is quite difficult. so this protocol needs improvement while applied in a specific field. 期望将无线传感器网络的所有要求都集中在一个路由协议中解决,实现一种通用的路由协议,是非常困难的,因此该协议应用在特定的场合还需要做进一步的改进。
Therefore, we can draw a conclusion that the TCP SPC is an outstanding general transmission control protocol. 因此,TCPSPC协议是一种优秀的具有普遍适用性的传输控制协议。
Users access all kinds of spatial information resources seamlessly and transparently by a unified, standard, open and general HGML protocol. 用户使用统一、标准、开放、通用的HGML协议,实现无缝、透明地访问空间信息的各种资源。
E-commerce is different from the general protocol due to the special nature of the security protocol. 电子商务协议因其特殊性而区别于一般的安全协议。